Conference Tutorials
The AES technical tutorials are led by global experts and cover diverse topics relevant to the AES community, with the goal of offering conference attendees an excellent educational opportunity
The tutorials are part of the conference technical program, and are free of charge to the conference attendees.
Who Should Attend?
The tutorials aim to cater to a diverse audience, including beginners, students, researchers, lecturers, as well as representatives from companies, governments, and funding agencies, who are interested in learning about new concepts and technologies.
Tuesday 6 June, 2023.
Tutorials will be held at the conference venue
Tutorial & Instructor
Introduction to Deep Learning Techniques for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials
Prof. Willie J. Padilla, Duke University, USA Tutorial length: 1 hour Description: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have enhanced and transformed traditional research methods and are driving scientific advance. Deep learning has shown immense potential in the field of artificial electromagnetic materials (AEM) research, with applications spanning electromagnetic metamaterials, metasurfaces, photonic crystals, and plasmonics. In this brief tutorial we review the status of the field with a focus on recent advances, key limitations, and future directions. Strategies, guidance, evaluation, and limits of using deep networks for both forward and inverse AEM problems are presented. |