Presenters Guidelines
Oral Presentations
Each session room is equipped with a stationary computer connected to a LCD projector. Presenters must load their presentation files in advance onto the session computer. Technician personnel will be available to assist you.
Scheduled time slots for oral presentations are 15 mn for regular, 20 mn for invited presentations, 30 mn for keynote talks and 35 mn plenary talks, including questions and discussions. Presenters are required to report to their session room and to their session Chair at least 15 minutes prior to the start of their session.
The session chair must be present in the session room at least 15 minutes before the start of the session and must strictly observe the starting time and time limit of each paper.
In-person Poster Presentations
A poster board, A0 size (118.9 x 84.1 cm), in portrait orientation, will be available for each poster.
Pins or thumbtacks are provided to mount your posters on the board. All presenters are required to mount their posters 30mn before the session and remove them at the end of their sessions. Presenters are requested to stand by their posters during their session.
Posters must be prepared using the standard AES poster template. Click here to download the template.
On-line Poster Presentations
On-line poster presenters are required to prepare a poster in digital format (pdf). During the conference, there will be several poster sessions where presenters will discuss their posters with the attendees via video conferencing (Zoom links to be provided before the conference). Check the conference program for your poster session timeslot. Prior to the conference, you will be provided with instructions on how to upload your poster content to the conference website and application.
Instructions for Preparing Digital Posters
Posters must be prepared using the conference poster template. Once the ppt slides are ready (do not forget to remove the first slide):
- Save the 4-slide document as a single PDF poster file (see example here). If the pdf file is too large, you may compress it to smaller size using online facilities. This single PDF file will be used for your virtual presentation (zoom session).
- Save the 4-slide document as PNG files by exporting the slides as an image. The location of this option varies depending on the PowerPoint version. You may need to select the “Save Every Slide” option and set the width to 864 pixels or larger. This will create 1 PNG image for every slide in a new folder named after your PowerPoint file. The four PNG images can be used for posting your poster on Twitter one week before the conference (#aes2023 is the official #hashtag for this event, see example below).
Optional Pre-Recorded five-minute Presentations
Poster presenters are given the possibility to provide an optional five-minute video describing their poster. The five-minute video must include a PowerPoint as accompaniment, which is limited to no more than four slides. We encourage real-time engagement during the poster session where you will be able to directly discuss with attendees.
Instructions for Pre-Recorded Videos
Many presentation software allows recording audio and video directly in the application and can export appropriate video files. Please see the notes below for detailed instructions for PowerPoint and Zoom.
Requirements for your video
- Video file format: mp4
- Dimensions: Minimum height 480 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9
- Duration: Five minutes
Recording a Presentation in PowerPoint
- Follow these instructions to add audio (and optionally video) to your slides.
- Follow these instructions to generate an .mp4 file from your slides and audio/video.
- Alternatively, you can follow this video tutorial which goes through both of these steps.